Its 2011 a new year and a new era of video games have entered our lives.Microsoft launched Kinect and there is Nintendo Wii.I still remeber when me and my little bro were growing up we had one video game and it had only one game to play,Mario.It was quiet a rage at that time.We were addicted to it.We had 2 controllers which were attached to the system by wires. Now either there are no controls or the controls are wireless.....We never imagined anything like this back at our time.Yesterday I got a new game for my Wii and I have got addicted to it.I am playing it since morning after my husband left for work.Even thou my right arm is in pain but still I cn't stop thinking about the game and how to defeat the opponent.
All this have made me realised that the child within us never dies.Its there inside us but we surpress it from coming out :)
I am going back to play my game and enjoy being a child again..thanks to the new age video games for keeping the child within me alive ...
Get me a Wii next time so that I can explore my inner child too!